Infobip system status

Infobip system status history

Our status page provides real-time updates on our services.

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Major Outage


EMEA (DE) - Customer Portal degradation and connectivity issues
Incident Report for Infobip
This is to inform you that we had experienced connectivity issues on our EMEA (DE) data centre. You may have experienced issues while trying to use Customer Portal and our services.

Start (UTC): 10 March 10:14
End (UTC): 10 March 10:22
Impact: Connectivity issues affecting our services and access to the Customer Portal

Additional investigation showed that our OMNI Service was affected as well. You may have experienced your OMNI requests failing with HTTP error 500.

Start (UTC): 10 March 10:14
End (UTC): 10 March 13:47
Impact: OMNI requests returning HTTP error 500
Posted Mar 10, 2023 - 10:47 UTC