Infobip system status

Infobip system status history

Our status page provides real-time updates on our services.

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Major Outage


EMEA (DE) - WhatsApp service degradation
Incident Report for Infobip
Issues with WhatsApp have been resolved.
Start (UTC): 06 March 2023 09:38
End (UTC): 06 March 2023 10:30
Impact: The processing of traffic was affected due to issues with WhatsApp senders.
Posted Mar 06, 2023 - 11:20 UTC
Our team has identified the cause of the issue and is working on a resolution.
Posted Mar 06, 2023 - 10:45 UTC
We are observing issues with WhatsApp service. Our team is investigating the issue, more details will follow in the next update.
Posted Mar 06, 2023 - 10:20 UTC